3 research outputs found

    Problems and Prospects of Utilizing ICT Tools in Science Education

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    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been celebrated and lauded to be allowed a pride of place in theteaching/learning environment, yet there exists a missing link. Hence, the main focus of this research is to highlight the useof ICT as a tool to promote education. Therefore, this research work examines the problems and prospects of utilizing ICTtools in science education. The work considered the students the end products of any educational process. Hence, out of thesample size of one hundred and twenty, the student/lecturer ratio was one hundred ratio twenty. Survey research design wasemployed and as a result primary source of data collection was adjudged apt. The research hypotheses and questions wereresolved using chi-square as an instrument of data analysis and expectedly conclusions made.Keywords: ICTs, Utilization, Students, prospects, problem

    A Proposed Cryptography-Based Identity Management Scheme for Enhancing Enterprise Information Systems Security

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    Enterprises are faced with the challenges of managing users’ identity across multiple systems and applications.User identity usually includes personal information such as names, contact information, and demographic data;legal information which is the information about legal relationship between the enterprise and the user; and logincredentials to managed systems for identification and authentication such as login ID and password, PKI certificate,tokens, biometrics, and so on. As a result of these challenges, enterprises contend with problems of datainconsistency, repetition of access to multiple systems, security exposure, unreliability of data, complexity insystems usage, and difficulty in managing large data. These problems are compounded as enterprises deploy moreIT infrastructures (systems and applications) and have more users (employees, customers, partners, contractors,vendors, and so on).Our research is aimed at addressing these challenges by building on existing identitymanagement technologies through the creation of a hybrid technology using Identity Management andCryptographic techniques. We present the research direction in this paper.Keywords: Enterprises, Identity Management, Identity Management Technology, Cryptograph

    Factors Affecting the Use and Adoption of Open-Source Software Development Process among Nigerian Undergraduate Students

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    Using a questionnaire titled “Factors Affecting the Use and Adoption of Open-Source Software DevelopmentProcess Among Nigerian Undergraduates” to solicit responses in selected Institutions of Higher learning in Nigeria,we investigated the factors that motivate or prevent students from adopting and using the open-source paradigm forsoftware development. Findings from the analysis of data obtained from the research showed that students are keenabout using the open source software platforms as a means of developing software system. However, there areconcerns among students of the implication of collaborative efforts on open source platforms on project completiontime, equitable access to internet facilities and metrics for assessing individual contributions to the success of thefinal product from such development process. We conclude by making recommendations on how open-sourceplatforms can be used among students.Keywords: Open-source, Undergraduates, Nigeria, proprietary, Software and Paradigm1. INTRODUCTIO